Instagram is introducing lots of new features for its instagram messaging, which could change the way we use Instagram and DMs.

Instagram wants to develop direct messages, the instagram messenger well known to all influencersto help them connect with their closest friends and communities in a more fun and transparent way.

For example, you can share music with every contact you have in your address book. What's more, you'll be able to see who's online, which could make it very easy for you to organize discussions with your friends.

Instagram has made several improvements that help people chat, share and reply:

Reply while browsing instagram

If you receive a new message while browsing your feed, you can now reply without going to your inbox and continue browsing posts. This new feature makes chatting much easier and more convenient.

See who's online

At the top of your inbox, you can see who's free to chat at that moment, helping you find convenient opportunities to connect with friends.

Share a music sample in a chat window

With the integration of Apple Music, Amazon Music and Spotify coming soon, you can now share a 30-second preview of a song you like, and your friends can listen to it directly from the chat window.

Quickly send a post to friends

You can now send a publication to a quick suggestion of contacts.. By pressing and holding the share button, you can easily share publications with your closest friends.

Send messages at silent mode

You can send messages without alerting your friends late at night or when they're busy by adding "@silent" to your message. @silent" to your message. Now you can contact them without worrying about sending unwanted notifications. 

Customize conversation wallpaper

Try the new lo-fi chat theme to make your conversations more personal. Go to the chat you wish to personalize, press on your contact's name to access the settings, click on Themes and choose the one you'd like to adopt.

Create a survey with your team

You can now create a survey directly in your group chat by adding the Sondage sticker, chis is one of Messenger's most popular group chat features on Instagram.


Instagram continues to position itself as a more versatile platform for sharing media and connecting with others. These new features are available in selected countries and will be available to everyone soon!

We've already seen that Instagram is constantly developing its interface to be more user-friendly, and with new features, and Instagram messaging doesn't stray far from this.

Overall, Instagram messaging is an improvement on the direct messaging method, with the added benefit of not being limited to only those users who follow you back.

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