Cam Dewoods outdoor sports influencer

Could you introduce yourself in a few lines so that our community can get to know you better? How would you define your style/your world as an outdoor sports influencer?

I'm passionate about outdoor sports (trail, hiking and cycling) and I'm increasingly interested in and trained in health, well-being and ecology. As an outdoor sports influencer, I like to share my discoveries, adventures and daily life with my community through my account. instagram and my blog:

When did you start your social networking activity as an outdoor sports influencer?

Early 2017

What triggered you and why did you embark on your social networking adventure with instagram?

In 2017 I started preparing for my second marathon. At the time, I was using social networks a little, as a dilettante. In the first week of January, I decided to share my workouts. Little by little, I got the hang of it. Meeting other enthusiasts, virtually or otherwise, exchanging ideas, motivating each other... learning lots of things... Instagram became a daily pleasure... I got such a taste for it that more and more people followed me. And so the adventure was born.

How much time do you spend on your articles or videos? Production, editing...? Do you have any organizational tips for other outdoor sports influencers?

It all depends on the article. Sometimes half a day, sometimes more... it really does depend on the subject and my motivation. My advice? do it out of passion, out of a desire to share and pass on my ideas and passions. For me, Instagram and my blog are hobbies and passions. Before you can really make a living from it, you have to really stick at it, so I'd advise you to get into it for the right reasons. Personally, I generate very little financial income from it, especially when I compare it to the time I spend on it.

What community and audience are you targeting?

I don't target...I'd say I attract people in the same mood as me. But I'm not looking for a typical profile, male/female or otherwise... naturally, given my content and my passions, I'm going to have a community that's just like me.

Where do you find most of your inspiration? And which social networks do you use most?

My daily life. From what I see, hear and read. From my sensibility. There's no point in saying "oh, I'm going to do what she does", everyone has their own personality and their own way of translating it, and that's what makes the difference.

How do you manage your time, between your family, your work and your social networks? Do you have a job or an activity other than your work as an outdoor sports influencer?

Yes, that's what I was saying, I have a job, I'm an executive in a company with fairly busy hours. Be influencer For me, outdoor sport is a hobby. I often say that it's my "second job" because it takes up an incredible amount of my time. Honestly, to manage it all, you need to be organized like a soldier. Don't let it eat you up. Spend time on it, but have a life on the side. Set limits. It's hard sometimes to find the right balance between giving without giving too much, getting involved while keeping a certain distance so you don't find yourself at 2am every evening in front of your stories while working 6 hours later. In short, and of course, you have to make compromises - I don't have a TV at home, for example...

Do you produce your own visuals and photos? And if so, what equipment do you use?

Yes, I just use my phone.

What advice would you give to other outdoor sports influencers in the community?

Knock yourself out!!! There's more and more talk of training courses, of the 10 "things you need to know" to be an outdoor sports influencer. If everyone says the same thing, in the same takes all the fun out of influencing. Make yourself happy, say things the way you want to. Don't fit into the mold, create your own rules.

It's cool to be influential, there's a lot of positive stuff out there, people are great and they send you really good stuff, but you also have to learn to keep things in perspective...we're not Julia Roberts, we're just people who communicate their passions on social networks, so be careful not to take the melon, otherwise the descent into real life can hurt.

What would you like to undertake or develop next in your life as an outdoor sports influencer?

I've got lots of ideas, lots of projects, but not much time. I've created an outdoor group, an Outtrip community that I'd like to develop further, as it's gathering more and more enthusiasts. I've even launched a T-shirt collection, which, despite a few sleepless nights, looks great (in all objectivity).

But above all, as an outdoor sports influencer, I'd love to be able to take action and communicate more about the eco-responsibility issues that are really important to me!


Thanks to Cam for this interview. We advise you to follow her instagram account

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