Could you tell us a little about yourself so that we can get to know you better?

My name is CHRISTINE PHAM, I'm 36 years old and I've been practising a sport for as long as I can remember. any from martial arts to dance (hip hopLatin dances) and then club climbing... That's where it all started for bodybuilding (there are 5 years) because I lacked strength and stamina. As time went by, I really enjoyed training every day and discovered the world of bodybuilding, which requires a great deal of rigor and discipline. I love to push my limits and I have a lack of confidence, so I set myself these challenges of preparing for competitions. I've always needed to set myself a goal so I know where I'm going and how to get there. I don't like walking into a void without knowing where I'm going.

When did you start your social networking activity as a fitness and bodybuilding influencer?

I've created my network instagram at 2015.

What a community and audience are you targeting?

There's no real targeting - it's true that I'm more focused on fitness sports because of my publications, but I'm trying to reach out to a little bit of everyone, because practicing a sport cIt's universal well-being, accessible to all.

What triggered you and why did you embark on your social networking adventure?

Above all, I'm looking to share my motivation, because I'm an average person who, like everyone else, has a job and a fairly busy lifestyle. loaded but I find a way to take care of myself through a certain organization. positions I shows that when want to can.

How much time do you spend on your posts and/or fitness and bodybuilding videos? Creating, directing, editing...?
Do you produce your own visuals and photos? And if so, what equipment do you use?

It depends on my mood post I'm very spontaneous, nothing is calculated in advance.

Most of the time yes from me just with my mobile and by moment cI'm lucky enough to be able to shoot with professional photographers. get to know.

How do you manage your time, between your family, your work and your social networks? Do you have a job or other activity besides your work as a fitness and bodybuilding influencer?

It's a question of organization and sticking to it afterwards. all cIt's for me and it better be. Visit effect jI have a full-time job in a consulting I'm in charge of customer advisor claims. So before to get to the office every morning by week I I'm going to work out first. Visit Week jI have a second job, doing various flea market events to supplement my income. From this fact I I only have Saturdays to devote myself fully to the family.

Where do you mainly find your fitness and bodybuilding inspiration? And which social networks do you use most?

The main inspiration comes from my community. Yes ct's true that we all have a role model, but what makes me keep this motivation cIt's for the people to whom I give the strength to succeed and who believe in me... I I have to show them that if I can do it, so can they.

What was your strategy for developing your Instagram fitness and bodybuilding community?

Sincerely, I don't ai not. Just sharing the good content motivate, smile and give strength to those around me.

Do you have any organizational tips for others? influencers fitness and bodybuilding? What are your 3 tips for someone just starting out on Instagram?

Stay authentic.
Beautiful photos that make us want to follow you.
Share and help other followers.

What do you think makes a successful collaboration proposal?

A successful collaboration is one that brings out the best in both.

Thanks to Christine for this interview. We advise you to follow her instagram account influencer fitness and bodybuilding

His INSTAGRAM account to follow =>


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