Could you introduce yourself in a few lines so that our community can get to know you better? How would you define your style/your universe as a fashion influencer?
I'm Emma, 24, stylist, freelancer, blogger and founder of Oldē Paris a vintage shop.
When did you start your social networking activity as a fashion influencer?
3 years ago
What triggered you and why did you embark on your social networking adventure with instagram?
I loved Betty @leblogdebetty, so I started by making looks in my garden at 17 and writing on my blog (Instagram didn't exist). Then I gave it up to devote myself to my studies, and I've been at it again for 3 years I'd say.
How much time do you spend on your articles or videos? Production, editing...? Do you have any organizational tips for other fashion influencers?
For articles, about 1 hour, for videos much more, depending on editing etc.
Managing time and priorities
What community and audience are you targeting?
Active women aged 25 to 30 I would say
Where do you find most of your inspiration? And which social networks do you use most?
Just about everywhere, on the street, on instagram, pinterest etc. Instagram I think!
How do you manage your time, between your family, your work and your social networks? Do you have a job or other activity besides your work as a fashion influencer?
I'm a freelancer so I'm lucky enough to be able to organize my time as I please 🙂
I have so much to do, but I love it!
Do you produce your own visuals and photos? And if so, what equipment do you use?
Yes! a Canon 6D with 50mm and 24mm lens
What advice would you give to other influencers in the community?
To be yourself 🙂
What would you like to undertake or develop next in your life as a fashion influencer?
I'm working on a project to launch a boutique/concept store
Thanks to Emma for this interview. We advise you to follow her fashion instagram account
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