Could you introduce yourself in a few lines so that our community can get to know you better? How would you define your style/universe as ainfluencer fashion lifestyle?

I am Fausta Philippoussis, a woman jack-of-all-trades ... I don't like the idea of having to focus on just one thing or of being a "mono". kiffeuse " ... First of all, I'm a author (my books are published by Sudarenes) and incidentally a designer of content on internet (I am CEO a webagency)....
Maybe that's why I chose to live in the United States, after many peregrinations around the globe, because here it's not frowned upon to wear several hats... I would define myself as fundamentally eclectic ...

Date of creation of your social networking activity as ainfluencer fashion lifestyle?

November 15, 2017

What triggered you off and why did you embark on the social networking adventure in the first place? instagram ?

And well I wasn't satisfied with one of my promotional tours for one of my books... The angle of approach did not suit me and was very disappointing ... So I say why not create my own community so that I can operate in a circuit? closed ...
A way of being self-sufficient and certainly the best way of remaining authentic.

How much time do you spend on your articles or videos? Production, assembly...? Do you have any organizational tips for others? influencers ?

Honestly, I don't calculate the time ... because As the Confucian saying goes, "Choose a job you love, and you'll never have to work a day in your life.
From coup jI confess I don't have a precise idea of how much this or that will cost me ... 
The longest, certainly, are my videos youtubeespecially as I'm just starting ... I must spend 8 hours/video on the "editing" phase alone.

One thing is certain (all the more so if you have a food job on the side) He you have to be prepared to devote time, evenings and a few Sundays!

What a community and audience target-you?

My topics are broad, so my community is broad... 

Where do you find most of your inspiration? And which social networks do you use the most?

Inspiration is a personal matter. Inspiration comes from within when we look, see or hear something that touches us.
It comes from :
- Reading good books and blogs
- Sharing ideas and thoughts with my colleagues friends / my boyfriend
- Watching my thread grow
- Being outside and feeling the sun on my face
- Sitting in front of a blank sheet of paper
- Listening to podcasts
- Watching men and women do improbable things against all odds (and in Vegas believe me on word is every day)
- Enjoying the wonders of nature
- Listening to music
Visit brief ... all inspires me ...
I almost use them all but my favorite media are IG and Youtube

How do you manage your time, between family, work and social networks? Do you have a profession or activity other than your work as ainfluencer fashion lifestyle?

As stipulated above high jI do have other sectors of activity and I'm a mom. (divorced) of a 12-year-old boy.
It's not always easy days, ...I I'm not even really sure how to handle anything really well. or ... I just want to say "I'm doing my best"...

Do you make your own visuals and photos? And if so, what equipment do you use?

Some are mine (with my iphone)but I'd like to say that the most beautiful are made by one of the best interior designers in Las Vegas and, in his spare time, one of the most talented photographers I know, my friend Pierre Arnaud Lagache. (idinteriordesignlv) and also the less famous name Ercan Dedeoglu... And there cIt's pro equipment...

What advice would you give to others influencers of the community?

Not to be discouraged and, above all, not to lose their identity, (not to get lost) in this frantic race for likes... Don't reduce yourself to that... do not doubt because of it... That once you've given your best and are satisfied with what you've shared, don't feel diminished by it. nbx of like / of comm/ etc ... because behind human 2.0, there's above all an algorithm.

What would you like to undertake or develop next in your life as ainfluencer fashion lifestyle?

I am precisely spirit to start my YouTube channel. I'm just starting this month -here ... And I'm having a blast... for the moment I'm groping my way along, but in the long term I'd really like to make a channel that liberates speech, positive and inspiring ... A real chain feel good. And of course continue to develop my community on Instagram.


Thanks to Fausta for this interview. We advise you to follow her instagram account

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