Carousels on TikTok offer an interactive dimension to posts and are particularly engaging, generating numerous comments on social networks.

Video format specialist TikTok recently expanded its photo format with carousels, enabling users to share up to 35 pieces of content in a single publication. Carousels offer an interactive dimension to posts and are particularly engaging, generating numerous comments on social networks. TikTok also encourages the use of this format, which can help creators stand out in the eyes of the algorithm. For businesses, carousels are a great way to get started on TikTok, as they're simple to create and effective for showcasing products or displaying work results.

Discover how to create a carousel on TikTok and the best practices to adopt to make your content attractive.

What is a TikTok carousel?

TikTok carousel definition

On TikTok, the carousel is a publishing format that allows users to share multiple pieces of content - up to 35 - in a single publication. While videos are often favored on TikTok, carousels have enabled the social network to develop the photo format on its platform. Carousels offer the possibility of integrating an interactive dimension into posts, encouraging visitors to swipe to discover the rest of the publication. This adds narrative dimensions that can be exploited.

Use and benefits of carousels on TikTok

The use of carousels on TikTok offers several advantages. Firstly, it diversifies content and offers users a richer experience. What's more, carousels enable greater user engagement. According to Socialinsider, carousels generate the most comments on social networks. TikTok also attaches particular importance to this type of content and encourages its use, which can help creators stand out in the eyes of the algorithm. For brands, carousels are a good format to launch on TikTok, as they are simple to create and prove effective for showcasing products, integrating text or displaying the results of work. Ads carousels are particularly interesting for businesses, as they allow you to present a selection of products and integrate advertisements in carousel form.

How to make a carousel on TikTok

Steps for creating a carousel on TikTok

Creating a carousel on TikTok is a simple process. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Open the TikTok application and press the "+" icon in the bottom center of the screen.
  2. In the bottom right-hand corner, select "Upload".
  3. Check the "Multiple selection" option in the top right-hand corner to select multiple images.
  4. Select images in the desired order of publication and press "Next".
  5. At the top, you can choose a sound to accompany your carousel. In the menu on the right, you can modify each image by resizing it, adding text, stickers and so on.
  6. You can then change the order of the images if required, then press "Next".
  7. Check that everything is as you expect, then press "Publish" to share your carousel.

Tips for creating an attractive carousel on TikTok

To create an attractive carousel on TikTok, here are a few tips:

  1. Grab attention from the very first image by choosing a striking image that clearly announces the carousel's content.
  2. Ensure a progression in the different images of your carousel to keep the viewer engaged. Tell a story or organize images to create visual continuity.
  3. Encourage sharing by creating a carousel that can be easily shared with friends via TikTok messaging. Some formats can even be adapted to create additional content to develop your account.

Some good practices to adopt

Grabbing attention from the very first image

When creating a carousel on TikTok, it's essential to grab the user's attention right from the first image. This image must clearly announce the content of the carousel and arouse the viewer's interest. Choose a striking, engaging image that encourages users to swipe to see the rest of the carousel.

Ensuring progression through the different images

To keep the viewer engaged, it's important to ensure a progression through the different images of the carousel. Organize the images to create visual continuity and tell a story. Make sure that each image complements the next and leads naturally to the next. This will capture the viewer's attention and encourage them to swipe to the last image.

Encouraging sharing

Carousels on TikTok can be shared with friends via the TikTok messaging system. Take advantage of this feature by creating attractive and interesting carousels that encourage users to share them with their friends and family. This can help you increase the visibility of your content and attract more engagement to your account.

TikTok carousels: 5 popular trends

With the development of carousels on TikTok, many trends have emerged. Here are five popular trends in TikTok carousels:

"Choose for me

This trend consists of creating a carousel where each image displays an aesthetic on a given theme, such as clothing styles, interior decorations or culinary arts. The aim is to send the TikTok to a friend, so that he or she can indicate which image in the carousel he or she associates you with.


Carousels are perfectly suited to step-by-step storytelling. Take advantage of this format to create carousels that tell amusing or moving stories, using supporting images.


The before-and-after mechanic is very popular on social networks. Use this trend to create carousels that show the evolution of an interior decoration, renovation or even a physical transformation.


TikTok has become an ideal platform for fashion enthusiasts. In carousels, you can showcase the best pieces from your wardrobe or present your look of the day. Carousels can also be used to present a range of looks according to a given theme, such as 5 autumn or military-inspired looks.


Carousels are an ideal way to offer tutorials, as they allow you to cut out the various steps. The most popular tutorials concern cooking, DIY or plant care. For a company, a tutorial carousel can be an effective way of presenting a tool or feature.

Carousel Ads on TikTok for businesses

Carrousel Ads format

For businesses, TikTok has launched the Carousel Ads format. This format allows ads to be integrated in the form of a carousel, and offers several possibilities. It can include up to 10 visuals, a description, a sound track and a call to action to link to the product or service.

Benefits for companies

Carousel Ads on TikTok offer many advantages for businesses. They allow you to present a selection of products in an interactive and captivating way. Thanks to carousels, companies can attract users' attention and increase their chances of conversion by directing users to their website or online store.


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Using Carousel Ads on TikTok

To use Carousel Ads on TikTok, you need to have an Enterprise account and go through the TikTok platform. TikTok Ads Manager. Carousel Ads are particularly interesting for companies in the retail sector, such as ready-to-wear, accessories or home decoration brands. This format makes it possible to present several products visually and interactively, which can help companies attract users' attention and boost sales.