With 5.04 billion users worldwide in 2024, social media represent an excellent way of creating a large digital network. These multiple possibilities are also opportunities for ill-intentioned people to commit digital crimes. Here's a look at how to build a large virtual network safely.
Protect your activity on social networks with a VPN
Every time a person connects to social media via the Internet, their data is exposed to various actors who can intercept it and use it for a variety of purposes. These include :
- cybercriminals,
- state surveillance,
- marketing advertisers,
- Internet service providers.
This can prevent a professional from exploiting the full potential of the platforms, and negatively impact their online business.
To prevent this, the use of a VPN is highly recommended. This software changes the user's IP address, encrypts the data exchanged and bypasses geographical restrictions. To take advantage of these benefits, look for a VPN compatible with PC to download on the Internet, then install it on your computer.
Extreme vigilance in all situations
Social networks provide fertile ground for the proliferation of cybercrimes of all kinds, such as scams, frauds and the like. phishing campaigns or data collection. Scams are usually carried out through private conversations with profiles to which you have been connected.
Cybercriminals use these accounts (fake, spoofed or hacked) to demand funds for assistance, investment or other purposes. Some attackers may send links, which they ask you to click on to perform an action. This may involve logging on to the platform again before accessing any information, by re-entering your username and password.
In the case of fund-raising, it's not advisable to send money to people you don't know. If these profiles are those of contacts you know, you need to find a way of confirming that it really is this person who is requesting assistance.
Clicking on links is not recommended. If the action required is urgent, the user should go directly to the site concerned by entering the platform's web address. Addresses beginning with HTTP should be avoided, as they lead to unsecured sites. The spelling of the link should also be carefully scrutinized for inconsistencies. The use of link checkers is also highly recommended.
Secure access to your accounts
Creating a secure professional digital network requires well-protected accounts. This is done by giving each account a strong password, at least 10-12 characters long, containing upper and lower case letters, special characters and numbers.
The user must also configure themulti-factor authentication on all its social media. It offers an extra layer of protection for accounts, as access requires an additional action in addition to entering the password and user ID. These include actions such as fingerprint confirmation, a code (received via SMS or Mail), a trusted device registered in advance...
Separating your public life from your personal life
Users of social networks and related platforms are advised to protect their privacy. This means avoiding disclosing personal information on the Internet, such as home address, marital status, first names of family members, etc. childrensexual orientation, intimate photos...
The keys to developing a secure digital network
To achieve this, you need to protect your online activity with a VPN. It's also essential to remain vigilant at all times and secure your accounts with a strong password and multi-factor authentication. Finally, you need to keep your private life away from social platforms and the Internet.