It was only a few years ago that ValueYourNetwork was launched. with the ambition of revolutionizing the world of content creators and influencers on social networks. Influencers are fast becoming the opinion leaders of the digital age on networks like instagram, facebook or twitter!
After several years of development The ValueYourNetwork service was officially launched in January 2016. ValueYourNetwork is a platform that enables influencers to choose the campaigns they likeand promote them on their social networks. Brands benefit from the influencer's recommendation. A look back at the first years of business.
Influencer marketing on social networks is one of the hottest topics among communicators. Faced with the profusion of advertising and the development of adblocking solutions, the use of influencers on social networks is an ideal way of making yourself known while benefiting from the power of native and "organic" social recommendation.
Positioning at the performance (per engagement, per click, per like, per share...) of ValueYourNetwork, with "everyday" influencers, makes it possible to meet the ROIst expectations of brands, in addition to the branding.
Major advertisers have placed their trust in ussuch as Orange, Passionata, Renault, Bel, Petit Bateau and Kerastase, Journey Private... as well as promising start-ups wishing to promote their services (see case studies). Renewal of campaigns after an initial test is also a very good indicator of advertiser satisfaction.
With ValueYourNetwork, you don't need to be a superstar with an audience of tens of thousands of followers or fans. The service is aimed at all social network users. All you need is recognition in your field (fashion, design, cars, travel, gastronomyinnovation...) to enhance your audience on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or Instagram. The great freedom given to influencers who create content for brands and campaign quality proposed explain that only a few years after the launch, the influencers' followers and fans exceeded 20 million people in total.
Coming soon:
For advertisers, even more tools reporting in real time.
For influencers, even more social networks available (in addition to Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram), and and, of course, other surprises...
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To become an advertiser and launch a campaign with influencers on instagram In Franceplease contact us at the following address: to launch your next influencer campaign.