Jennyfer Chatchat, could you introduce yourself in a few lines so that our community can get to know you better? How would you define your style/universe as a fashion and lifestyle influencer?
I'm Jennyfer Chachat, and I made my name on season 3 of The Island and season 4 of La Villa des cœurs brisés. I'm passionate about make-up (I made it my profession before becoming an influencer), fashion and I have a very girly style. I share my daily life with my subscribers, whether it's my favorite products, my travels, my moods or my outings, I show it all!
Date of creation of your activity on social networks as Jennyfer Chatchat fashion influencer and lifestyle?
I started my fashion and lifestyle influencer business in January 2019 but my instagram dates back much further.
What triggered you and why did you embark on your social networking adventure with instagram?
Right from the start, I loved instagram - the idea of sharing your daily life in photos gives it a much more artistic aspect than simply saying "I did this today". I love the idea of seeing your daily life displayed like a beautiful photo album that you can consult from anywhere.
How much time do you spend on your articles or videos? Production, editing...? Do you have any organizational tips for other influencers?
I spend a lot of time on my day between shooting, editing, retouching, organizing the feed, answering subscribers, etc. It's a full-time job if you want to do it properly. As a word of advice, I'd say don't put off until tomorrow what you can do on the same day, or you'll quickly get overwhelmed.
Jennyfer Chatchat, which community and audience are you targeting?
According to my statistics, most of my followers are between 18 and 34 years old, and most of them are women! After that, I don't target anyone in particular who likes me, everyone is welcome!
Where do you find most of your inspiration? And which social networks do you use most?
For my make-up, I draw a lot of my inspiration from fashion news and films/series. Otherwise, it's really a matter of feeling, depending on my daily life, which will determine the theme of the videos.
How do you manage your time, between your family, your work and your social networks? Do you have a job jennyfer chachat or an activity other than your work as a fashion and lifestyle influencer?
The advantage of being an influencer is that you can work from anywhere, so I can see my family while I'm working, although it's true that I always have my phone in my hand. Yes, I have another job: I'm a professional make-up artist, depending on demand, I do make-up on film sets or for fashion shoots, weddings, etc.
Do you produce your own visuals and photos? And if so, what equipment do you use?
Apart from a few collaborations with photographers, the majority of my visuals are homemade. For photos I use my iPhone, and for my youtube videos I use a Canon 200D SLR camera as well as a tripod, a circle of light and a microphone that I attach to the camera for filming. For editing, I use Imovie.
What advice would you give to other influencers in the community?
Be very active and regular in your posts.
What would you like to undertake or develop next in your life as a fashion and lifestyle influencer?
I would really like to diversify on the travel and discover incredible places in my community.
Thank you to Jennyfer Chatchat for this interview. We recommend that you follow her fashion and lifestyle instagram account and visit her Facebook page and his Youtube channel
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Visit her FACEBOOK page Jennyfer Chatchat =>
Visit her YOUTUBE channel Jennyfer Chatchat =>
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Published by Julia in Influencer interviews - influencers - instagram