Discover the different content strategies and formats Brand Content (editorial, visual, interactive, advertising, branding) used to reinforce a brand and connect with the target audience.

The main types of brand content are currently used by companies around the world. Brand content has become an essential strategy for brands wishing to strengthen their online presence and connect more authentically with their target audience. Here are some of the most popular types of content, such as blog posts, videos, infographics and customer testimonials.

Discover how each type of content can help strengthen a brand and differentiate it from its competitors.

Content marketing

Visit content marketing is a marketing strategy focused on the creation and distribution of relevant, useful and quality content to attract and retain a target audience. This approach aims to provide valuable content to consumers in order to arouse their interest, establish a relationship of trust and encourage them to take preferential action towards a brand or company.

Defining content marketing

Visit content marketing is the creation and dissemination of informative, entertaining or persuasive content to attract and engage a specific audience. It's about providing consumers with content that meets their needs, solves their problems or responds to their specific interests. Content marketing emphasizes the creation of relevant, high-quality content, rather than simply promoting a brand's products or services.

Content marketing objectives

The objectives of content marketing can vary according to the needs and goals of each company. However, here are some common content marketing objectives:

  1. Generate website traffic: by creating quality content and optimizing it for search engines, a brand can attract more visitors to its site.

  2. Increase brand visibility: by regularly publishing relevant and engaging content, a brand can strengthen its online presence and improve its visibility among its target audience.

  3. Establish expertise: by providing valuable information and sharing knowledge in a specific area of expertise, a brand can position itself as an authority in its industry.

  4. Engage the audience: by creating interactive content and encouraging comments and shares, a brand can create an engaged community that sparks interest and interaction.

  5. Generate leads and conversions: by offering valuable content, a brand can attract qualified prospects and convert them into loyal customers.

Content marketing strategies

Content marketing uses a variety of strategies to achieve its objectives. Here are a few strategies commonly used in content marketing:

  1. Define a content strategy: before you start creating content, it's important to define your content strategy. This includes identifying your target audience, defining objectives and key messages, as well as planning types of content to be created.

  2. Create quality content: content must be well-written, informative, relevant and adapted to the target audience. It must also be optimized for search engines to improve online visibility.

  3. Use different content formats: to reach a wider, more diverse audience, it's essential to use different content formats such as blog posts, videos, images, infographics, quizzes, etc.

  4. Promoting content: once content has been created, it's important to actively promote it on various platforms, such as social networks, newsletters, partner websites, etc.

  5. Measuring results: it's essential to measure the effectiveness of your content strategy by analyzing key performance indicators such as site visitor numbers, conversion rates, user engagement and so on. This data enables you to adjust your strategy and improve results.

Editorial content

Editorial content is one of the pillars of content marketing. It includes blog posts, how-to guides and video tutorials.

Blog posts

Blog posts are informative, detailed texts on topics relevant to the target audience. They offer valuable information, practical advice and thoughts on specific topics related to the brand or industry. Blog posts can be used to demonstrate expertise, educate the public and attract organic traffic to the brand's website.

Practical guides

How-to guides are comprehensive, detailed resources on specific topics. They provide detailed steps, practical tips and expert advice to help people solve a problem or achieve a specific goal. Practical guides can take the form of downloadable e-books, PDFs or structured web pages.

Video tutorials

Video tutorials are videos that demonstrate step-by-step how to do something. They enable the audience to visualize and follow instructions in a practical way. Video tutorials can be used to demonstrate the use of a product, explain a method or teach a specific skill. They can be shared on platforms such as YouTubeVimeo or integrated into blog posts.

Visual content

Visual content plays an essential role in content marketing. It includes images, infographics and videos.

The images

Images are visual resources that can be used to attract attention, highlight a product or specific feature, or illustrate concepts. They can be used in blog posts, social media, newsletters, presentations, etc. High-quality, relevant images are essential to captivate audiences and reinforce the visual impact of content.


Computer graphics are visual representations of complex information or data. They can be used to present information in a clear, concise and attractive way. Infographics can be used to explain concepts, present statistics, compare data and more. They are particularly useful for simplifying complex subjects and making content more understandable and memorable.

The videos

Videos are powerful tools for communicating information, telling stories and arousing emotion. They can be used to showcase products, share customer testimonials, present tutorials and more. Videos can be shared on social media, integrated into blog posts, broadcast on YouTube channels or other video platforms. High-quality, well-produced videos are essential for captivating audiences and conveying your message. brand message effectively.

Interactive content

Interactive content is designed to encourage audience engagement and interaction. It includes quizzes, online games and interactive polls.


Quizzes are interactive questionnaires that allow users to test their knowledge, skills or preferences. They can be used to entertain audiences, generate engagement and gather information on audience preferences or needs. Quizzes can be shared on social networks, integrated into blog posts or web pages.

Online games

Online games are interactive games that allow users to have fun and spend entertaining time. They can be used to attract public attention, generate engagement and reinforce brand image. Online games can be developed specifically for a brand or campaign, or be pre-existing games adapted to the brand's marketing objectives.

Interactive surveys

Interactive surveys enable users to share their opinions, preferences or experiences on specific topics. They offer an opportunity to engage the public, gather data, understand consumer needs and preferences, and adapt strategy accordingly. Interactive surveys can be shared on social networks, newsletters or websites.

User-generated content

User-generated content is created by a brand's customers or users. It includes customer testimonials, opinions and reviews, as well as creative contests.

Customer testimonials

Customer testimonials are positive statements or reviews from satisfied customers. They can be used to share positive experiences, build public trust, and promote a brand's products or services. Customer testimonials can be shared on the brand's website, social media, newsletters or marketing campaigns.

Opinions and reviews

Opinions and reviews are comments, ratings or recommendations made by users about a brand's products or services. They can be used to inform consumers, influence purchasing decisions, and improve brand reputation and quality. Opinions and reviews can be collected on review websites, social media platforms, or directly on the brand's website.

Creative competitions

Creative contests invite users to create and submit their own content, such as photos, videos, drawings, stories and more. Creative contests generate authentic and engaging content, stimulate brand interaction, and reward participants with prizes or benefits. Creative contests can be promoted on social media, websites, newsletters and more.

Advertising content

Advertising content is designed to persuasively promote a brand's products or services. It includes sponsored articles, video ads and banner ads.

Sponsored articles

Sponsored articles are paid-for articles created in collaboration with a brand or advertiser. They promote a brand's products or services while providing informative or entertaining content. Sponsored articles can be published on blogs, media sites or other relevant websites.

Advertising videos

Advertising videos are videos created specifically to promote a brand's products or services. They can be used to inform, entertain or excite audiences. Video ads can be shared on social media, broadcast on video platforms or inserted into online advertisements.

Advertising banners

Banner ads are graphic advertisements placed on websites or online platforms. They can contain text, images, animations or other visual elements to attract users' attention. Banner ads can be used to drive traffic to a brand's website, promote a special offer or boost brand awareness.

Branded content

Brand content focuses on a brand's history, values and manifesto. It includes the brand story, brand values and brand manifesto.

Brand history

Brand history is the story of a brand's origin, evolution and defining experiences. It tells the brand's story, highlighting its influences, achievements and core values. The brand story can be shared in the form of blog articles, videos, customer testimonials, etc.

Brand values

Brand values are the principles, beliefs and ideals that guide a brand's actions and decisions. They represent what a brand believes in and stands for. Brand values can be communicated through various types of content, such as blog posts, videos, advertisements and so on. They create an emotional connection with the audience and reinforce brand identification.

Brand Manifesto

The brand manifesto is a statement that expresses a brand's vision, mission and commitments. It enables consumers to understand the motivations, intentions and values to which a brand adheres. The brand manifesto can be shared on the brand's website, in advertisements, presentations and so on. It reinforces the brand image and clarifies the brand's intentions and identity.

Viral content

Viral content is content that spreads quickly and widely on the Internet. It includes viral videos, memes and online challenges.

Viral videos

Viral videos are videos that become popular and are shared massively on social networks, blogs or other online platforms. They can be funny, moving, impressive or surprising. Viral videos can be created by a brand or shared by the public. They help to attract attention, generate traffic and increase brand awareness.


Memes are visual elements, images or videos accompanied by humorous or ironic text that spread rapidly over the Internet. They are often used to express ideas, emotions or popular trends. Brands can use memes to communicate humorously, create an emotional connection with the public or promote a product or service.

Online challenges

Online challenges are challenges or competitions launched on social networks or other online platforms. They invite the public to participate by performing an action or creating specific content. Online challenges can be used to promote a brand, engage the public, and generate content and visibility. They can be shared as videos, images, hashtags or other forms of content.

Event content

Event content is created for specific events, such as conferences, trade shows, product launches and so on. It includes live interviews, live event coverage and webinars.

Live interviews

Live interviews are interviews broadcast live over the Internet. They allow you to introduce experts, share knowledge and answer questions from the audience in real time. Live interviews can be conducted at conferences, webinars or other online events. They can be used to engage audiences, encourage interactivity and broadcast information live.

Live event coverage

Live event coverage involves the creation of real-time content at conferences, trade shows, product launches and so on. It can include blog posts, videos, photos, interviews, Instagram stories, tweets, etc. Live event coverage allows you to share information in real time, engage audiences, and create buzz around the event and the brand.


Webinars are online presentations, conferences or workshops used to share knowledge, educate audiences, or present products or services. Webinars can be live or recorded, and can include visual presentations, live discussions, question-and-answer sessions and more. They can reach a global audience, engage the public and demonstrate brand expertise.

Educational content

Educational content aims to inform, train or instruct the public on specific subjects. It includes e-learning, online courses and white papers.

Online training

E-learning courses are learning programs designed to be taken at a distance, often using digital media such as videos, presentations, quizzes and so on. They enable you to acquire or improve specific skills, learn about specialized subjects, or deepen your knowledge in a particular field. Online training courses can be offered by a brand as free or paid content.

Online courses

Online courses are structured study programs that enable you to deepen your knowledge or acquire new skills in a variety of fields. They may be offered by training organizations, educational institutions or experts in a specific field. Online courses can be taken at your own pace or according to a specific timetable. They offer flexible, professional training.

White papers

White papers are informative and educational documents that provide detailed information on a specific topic. They are often used to present research, case studies or recommendations in a specific area of expertise. White papers can be used to educate the public, share specialist knowledge and reinforce a brand's expertise and credibility. They can be downloaded free of charge or made available on request.

Content marketing is a powerful strategy that enables brands to establish a relationship of trust with their target audience. By creating and distributing high-quality, relevant and engaging content, brands can attract attention, generate traffic, establish their expertise, engage audiences and generate leads and conversions. Editorial, visual, interactive, user-generated, advertising, branded, viral, event and educational content are all types of content that can play an essential role in an effective content marketing strategy. Defining a clear content strategy, creating quality content, actively promoting it and measuring results are essential to maximizing the effectiveness of your content marketing strategy.

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Published by Julia on 03/01/2024 in Influencer campaign - influencers - B2B