Could you introduce yourself in a few lines so that our community can get to know you better?

My name is Valérie Sabban // Mademoiselle Valérie Style, I'm 27 years old, I've been a qualified stylist since 2009, an illustrator, an event planner for 7 years and a blogger since January 2016. I've also worked for some of the world's top designers and attended over 900 fashion shows (Karl Lagerfeld, Elie Saab, Jean-Paul Gaultier...).


How would you define your style/universe?

My style is elegant, feminine (rarely without my heels), trendy, slightly bourgeois Parisian with a touch of the south.


When was your blog created?

The site was conceptualized in September 2015 and launched in January 2016.


What triggered you to get involved in blogging and social networking?

Having worked as a freelance stylist and illustrator for 7 years, I wanted to get out of the shadow of the brands I was working for. A friend of mine, a swimsuit designer in Dubai, advised me to create my own blog, saying that this emerging profession would suit me like a glove. I can confirm that it was TRUE 😉


How much time do you spend on your articles or videos? youtube ? Production, editing...?

It takes me three half-days to write an article. In reality, the most time-consuming part is the photo shoots, which are always done by professionals, the layout, like in a fashion magazine, the meticulous research for relevant information, and the writing with the links to the clothes or products.


Do you have any organizational tips for other bloggers and others? youtubers ?

Oh yes, make TO DO LISTs with an order to follow, because it's easy to get overwhelmed!


Which community are you targeting?

People who love fashion, elegance, young designers and luxury, but also budget products that give the impression of having a 5-zero look. Anti-Vulgarity

I'm also interested in men, because I love advising men and I love stealing their jackets and wearing them oversized, especially at Zara.

I'm trying to broaden my audience as much as possible by showing my lifestyle side and my daily life: right now it's Régime Challenge. BIKINI we all have the same problems, so why not share our tips.


Where do you find most of your inspiration? And which social networks do you use most?

I find my inspiration in various ways: openings, exhibitions, cinema, TV, events, shows... and mainly the web and social networks.

The three main social networks I use are: InstagramFacebook and Snapchat.


How do you manage your time, between family, work, social networking and blogging?

It's quite complicated at the moment, but I try to give myself 1 day every two weeks.

Yes, it's a full-time job, no weekends and we work mostly on vacations LOL


Do you have a job or other activity besides blogging?

Yes, I'm an Illustrator, Stylist and I also organize events (fashion shows, fashion parties...).


Did one collaboration/partnership stand out for you more than others? And if so, which one?

Yes, it is.

It's hard to list them all. But my favorites are the ones with Caroline Receveur for her brand from Thé Wandertea I had to draw all the bloggers present at an event, one after the other, in just 15 minutes, and I succeeded! I was on all the stories of the bloggers of the moment: Noholita, My Little Fashion Diary, Fadela Mecheri...


What would you like to do next in your professional life?

Launch my own brand to my name or have capsule collections co-branded with my favorite brands. And I recently launched my mobile application: mademoiselle valérie.


Do you produce your own visuals and photos? And if so, what equipment do you use?

No, I like to use professionals, but for product photos I use a NIKON D 3300.


What advice would you give to others influencers of the community?

Perseverance, because it's a job that requires a lot of patience,

it took me over a year to get my first sponsored post or my first partnerships paid (apparently very quickly compared to other bloggers who told me it took them 3 to 5 years). Although I admit I love talking about products or places spontaneously.

I'm very strict about my choice of brands, they have to please me first and foremost.


And what would you say is your main secret to success?

Encourage luck and success, work HARD, day and night if you have to!


What does being a blogger mean to you on a daily basis?

I love my job and sharing it with over 50,000 people every day is incredible!

A beautiful day to you


Thanks to "Mademoiselle Valérie" for taking the time to reply.

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