Find out more about ValueYourNetwork's campaign for advertiser Made.com.
The advertiser shared an enthusiastic opinion of the campaign carried out with ValueYourNetworkWe were delighted with the results achieved and the quality of the strategy implemented. The objectives of visibility and commitment have been fully achieved. For their part, the influencers also gave very positive feedback, appreciating the organization, the simplicity of exchanges and the relevance of the project. These opinions, from both advertisers and influencers, show that ValueYourNetwork has mastered the art of designing effective campaigns that satisfy all parties involved.
The objectives
Made.comthe site for designer collections direct from designers, has launched a revolutionary new mattress, One by Made, the culmination of hundreds of tests and dozens of prototypes, "for a sleep like no other".
As with any product launch, the aim was to get the word out via decorating influencers. The theme and visuals lent themselves well to a campaign Instagram, in addition to Facebook and Twitter.
The system set up with #ValueYourNetwork
A ValueYourNetwork campaign on #OnebyMade, with a pay per engagement: clicks and likes.
- Target : Decoration #Design and #Lifestyle
- Proposed networks : Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- Message: "Find out more #ONEbyMADEthe #mat mattress that puts everyone in agreement: 101 #nights of testing to judge."
The results
The results exceeded expectations with :
- + 1.5 M followers - exposed fans from decorating influencers
- 139% commitments in relation to expected objectives.
Are you a brand looking to promote your products with the help of influencers?
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Find all our favorite French Instagram influencers on our instagram page => https://www.instagram.com/valueyournetwork/
To become an advertiser and launch a campaign with influencersplease contact us at the following address: contact@valueyournetwork.com to launch your next influencer campaign.