Could you introduce yourself in a few lines so that our community can get to know you better? How would you define your style/universe as a fashion lifestyle influencer?

My name is Pauline, influencer Fashion and lifestyle, I live in the South of France. My style is a mix of several worlds: very rock in appearance due to my many tattoos, I have a very strong hip hop culture, and a very strong taste for fashion. As a mother of two, I've also created my online boutique "Maison Shinel".

When did you start your social networking activity as a fashion lifestyle influencer?

I started in 2015.

What triggered you and why did you embark on your social networking adventure with instagram?

I've always loved sharing good tips and looks with people. Since I was very young, I've loved writing on a blog, and Instagram was the right compromise between writing and photography for me.

How much time do you spend on your articles or videos? Production, editing...? Do you have any organizational tips for other fashion lifestyle influencers?

I usually devote every morning to photography, directing and editing. I try to condense my work into a few hours. In the evening, I prepare everything in advance, so that I can share it on the networks as soon as I wake up.

What a community and audience are you targeting?

I am targeting a young audience, dynamic and very often young mothers.

Where do you find most of your inspiration? And which social networks do you use most?

I mainly use Instagram. My inspiration is rock culture, quirky but trendy.

How do you manage your time, between family, work and social networks?  Do you have a job or activity other than your work as a fashion lifestyle influencer?

I'm an influencer and micro-entrepreneur via my boutique. I work from Monday to Friday, just like a normal job, but I impose hours such as 9am-7pm, so that I can spend time with my family in the evenings and at weekends.

Do you produce your own visuals and photos? And if so, what equipment do you use?

I only use my phone to take photos and visuals.

What advice would you give to other fashion lifestyle influencers in the community?

Question your content very often. Subscribers easily tire of seeing the same content over and over again, and it's important to adapt.

What would you like to undertake or develop next in your life as a fashion lifestyle influencer?

I'd like to be able to offer better quality content as time goes by.


Thanks to Pauline for this interview. We advise you to follow her instagram fashion lifestyle account

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