Could you introduce yourself in a few lines so that our community can get to know you better?
I'm Laura or "SuperMylo". on social networks. A real globe trotter, 26 years old, she's been passionate about dance since she was a little girl (I wasn't walking yet, that's saying something ^^...) and fitness.
I have a Youtube channel where I make dance tutorials to learn how to dance in less than 5 minutes: Hip-hop, Shuffle, Salsa or even the Macarena!
Being a talker, it always spills over a bit (a lot even) but it's fun!
I try to convey the energy of a real-life lesson to the camera.
When did you start your social networking activity as a dance and fitness influencer?
I think I had Instagram as soon as it was created, but I mainly used it to post personal things.
I created my Youtube channel in 2018. That's when I started posting more regularly on instagram and my community grew naturally.
What triggered you and why did you embark on your social networking adventure with instagram?
In 2018, after working as a dancer/performer at Disneyland Paris and opening my own dance school, I met Ruurk in Barcelona (founder of Eclypsia, which at the time was a major reference point for influence in video games).
He's the one who pushed me into the Youtube adventure. And it wasn't at all my original plan: giving video lessons alone, without students and on the Internet, was a big first for me...
As I'm naturally a fun-loving, sunny person, my debut in front of the camera was a real challenge - I was petrified...
I trusted Ruurk, who pushed me not to give up and to gain confidence in myself.
He and many others told me that I had a unique personality and that I should share it with as many people as possible.
Almost 2 years later I have 45,000 subscribers (45,000 superheroes) dancing with me.
I'm really enjoying myself and I don't regret having listened to them, because I'm discovering another way of expressing myself and passing on my passion.
So I've started posting more and more on my Instagram page because I get a lot of messages from subscribers asking me for dance tips, or to tell me that my videos have helped them get into dance and overcome their shyness or simply to decompress.
It's a real pleasure to talk to my subscribers, and I'm delighted to see that my message is getting through: Be proud of who you are and Live! In fact, the phrase that recurs in my videos is "Because we're all superheroes!"
Instagram is a great way for me to stay connected with my community and post more "personal" content than on Youtube.
Today I see my community growing day by day. I'm also present on TikTok, where I let my crazy side shine through ^^.
How much time do you spend on your articles or videos? Production, editing...? Do you have any organizational tips for other influencers? dance and fitness ?
I don't really have a guideline on Instagram at the moment. I remain myself, posting photos and especially dance videos to share my passion and my personality.
A bit quirky, I'm very self-deprecating. I like to be authentic and share a good vibe!
I spend a lot of time on the networks because, as I said earlier, I think it's essential to be as close as possible to my subscribers. I often reply to messages and requests for upcoming tutorials for my videos.
I do, however, have a strategy on YouTube and tiktok, where I impose a regular and fairly varied posting schedule on myself. Dance for YouTube and humor for tiktok. If you prefer, I consider YouTube and TikTok as work and instagram as a strong and privileged link with my subscribers.
What community and audience are you targeting?
Everyone is welcome in my world! As long as you like to laugh or dance. If I have to answer the question more specifically, I notice that my subscribers are of all ages and backgrounds.
Where do you find most of your inspiration? And which social networks do you use most?
I grew up dancing and clowning around for my friends and family. I've even got videos of me doing Eli Kakou impersonations and dances at the age of 6. It's incredible to think that 20 years later, here I am on Youtube and TikTok, clowning around and dancing for complete strangers.
I think at the moment I have a preference for Tik Tok and Instagram to use in my spare time. I use YouTube more as a dance studio to give classes.
How do you manage your time, between family, work and social networks? What was your strategy for developing your Instagram community? dance and fitness ?
This is the big question at the moment, my boyfriend is also an influencer so we're both really into the work at the moment. This helps us understand each other and support each other in this work that we both know. I see my family As soon as I can, living far away, it's quite complicated, but very well understood by those close to me.
I don't have a job on the side, I've put some money aside and I'm leaving myself another 2 years to make a living out of it, otherwise I'll go back to giving lessons or working at Disney because I love the glitz and glamour. But deep down I sincerely hope to make it and I'm giving it my all, so when it comes to managing my time, I don't count the hours and I organize myself as best I can to be as productive as possible.
Do you produce your own visuals and photos? And if so, what equipment do you use?
I shoot my own photos and videos, sometimes with friends for photo shoots.
I have a small portable camera ( Lumix DMC LX15 ) that I take everywhere with me;
And for videos, I use the same camera and edit on Adobe premiere.
What advice do you have for someone just starting out on Instagram?
Believe in yourself and go for it! There is no such thing as "perfect" content! And what is perfection? (Hmm good question!)
Remember that 100% of lottery winners bought a ticket 😉
What would you like to undertake or develop next in your life as an influencer? dance and fitness ?
My boyfriend and I are planning to launch an agency to help other small businesses. influencers to emerge. This project is close to our hearts, as we feel that teamwork would really make the adventure even more exciting. And more personally, I'd love to meet my subscribers in the near future and be able to make a living from my passion.
Thanks to Laura for this interview. We advise you to follow her instagram account influencer on dance and fitness
His INSTAGRAM account to follow =>
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