Top Instagram influencers France in this ranking to launch your influence campaigns marketing.

In France by 2021, almost half of French Internet users will be using the instagram social network (20 million French people), and it will include the Top influencers instagram France preferred by communication directors for influencer marketing with 71% monthly active users under 35!
We rank this Top Instagram influencers France by profiles based on the quality of their content and the engagement of their community.


enjoyphoenix - Marie Lopez
1,755 publications
5.2m subscribers

Marie Lopez, aka EnjoyPhoenix, is a French-Swiss blogger, entrepreneur, videographer and influencer specializing in fashion, beauty and lifestyle. She takes first place in this Top Influencers Instagram France!

Top Instagram influencers France

carolinereceveur - Caroline Receveur
3,365 publications

4.4m subscribers

Caroline Receveur is a reality TV personality who went on to become a television and radio host for recently become an influencer who has created various brands. We couldn't put her in our Top Instagram Influencers France!

Top Instagram influencers France

lenamahfouf - Lena Situations
2,722 publications
3.3m subscribers

Léna Mahfouf, aka Léna Situations, is a web youtuber, blogger and influencer, born in Paris.

Top Instagram influencers France

lufyyyy - Lufy
1,236 publications
1.3m subscribers

Lufy is a yachtswoman and Belgian influencer of Italian origin, specializing in fashion, beauty products and lifestyle.
Top Instagram influencers France

jeannedamas - Jeanne Damas
2,565 publications
1.5m subscribers

Jeanne Damas is a designer, creative director, model and founder of the French fashion house Rouje.
Top Instagram influencers France

justezoe - Zoé Tondut
1,161 publications

1.5m subscribers

Zoé Tondut, aka Juste Zoé, born in Angers, is a French youtuber specializing in beauty, lifestyle and humor.
Top Instagram influencers France

sananas2106 - Sananas
4,974 publications
2.4m subscribers

Sanaa El Mahalli, known as Sananasborn in Seine Maritime, is a French blogger and web youtuber of Moroccan origin, specializing in fashion and beauty advice.
It often offers promo codesdiscover his latest coupon code Sephora !

Top Instagram influencers France

sissymua - Sissy
2,232 publications
1.5m subscribers

Sissy Mua, the essential French fitnessgirlHer real name is Célia Léo, and she's a French youtuber, fitgirl and influencer.
Top Instagram influencers France

andyrowski - Nadège Dabrowski
360 publications
1.6m subscribers

Andy Rowski is a famous French lifestyle youtuber. Andy Rowski is actually a pseudonym. Her real name is Nadège Dabrowski. She was elected Miss Berry Val-de-Loire 2006 and took part in the Miss France 20075 election, finishing as a semi-finalist. She is one of our Top Influencers on Instagram France!
Top Instagram influencers France

romy - Romane
1,897 publications
1.6m subscribers

Romane aka Romy is an influencer, Youtuber and Instagrameuse living in Montpellier. She started on social networks in October 2014, talking about fashion & beauty.
Top Instagram influencers France


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